Nicola Bernardi

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Welcome to the year of the dog!

I’ve always been quite fascinated with the fact that most people, including myself, feel the need to wait for specific moments in order to initiate certain changes in their lives. 

A very good example of what I’m trying to say is how most people make new year resolutions: changes that they probably wanted to implement all along, but needed an “occasion” to be put into place for the first time. 

I’m in a period of my life where i’m in desperate need for change, and as per my usual, I was kind of using the lack of an occasion as a good excuse to procrastinate on many of the things that I want to finish, start, or simply change in my life. 

Luckily, an occasion I was very much not expecting popped up and oh boy, am I going to take advantage of it! 

So, first and foremost: welcome to the new year. The year of the Dog!

In case you have no idea what I’m talking about, February 16th was the Chinese New Year and according to the chinese calendar, which sees 12 signs revolve after each other, the year we just entered is the year of the dog. 

Don’t ask me why, but there’s something about it that I really like and that gets me all positive about what this year will represent for me and for my future! 

This unexpected festivity arrived, I have to admit, with incredible timing. Right now I’m writing this on the plane back to Italy, after having spent the last month in New York. It was my first time in the city that, without any doubt, will be my next home. 

Something about it really fascinated me and got me hooked on it from the get go. 

I spent a month in New York networking, creating connections, and trying to organise as many meetings as possible with agencies, buyers and galleries, in order to hopefully find the last pieces to the puzzle that is the O-1 Visa I want to apply for. 


It’s been a great month, one of the ones I know I will remember: as I arrived in New York on January 20th, I was coming out of 4 months that on paper looked busy and exciting, but that in reality were not as much. With the exception of a few amazing moments ( having my first fine art project exhibited in Palermo, being a guest at the Lucca Comics and Games festival, and shooting in Berlin with one of my best friends and creative soulmate), most of these 4 months have been spent struggling to come to terms with the fact that I had moved back home. Back to Italy, back to my little hometown, back to living with my mom. 

I left Melbourne and Australia after 3 incredible years, with my mind set to moving to New York, to tackle bigger fishes and further develop my career. What i didn’t account for was how hard for me the in-between period would have been. 

Long story short: the last few months felt very long. I felt very numb, unproductive, unmotivated and especially, unhappy. 

Going to New York for the last month gave me a lot of time to think, a lot of time to work and a lot of time to put things in perspective and realise where I want to go and how I want to get there. 


It’s a very good moment for me, I’m very excited for what’s to come and I no longer will let “being back home” be in the way. 

So, without further due, I’ll take the great occasion that Chinese New Year gave me, and right away implement the changes that I need in my life, starting TODAY! 

They fall into three categories : health, work and creativity. 


Health wise, after cycling the arctic circle in July/August last year with my two best friend, and after pretty much coming back from that trip in the best shape of my life, I kinda did… nothing. Zero. Nich. Nada. 

I stuffed my face with food and forgot about sport altogether. I now have finished the viable excuses I could give myself to not exercise and I have a new fantastic goal in mind that REQUIRES me to get off my ass and start working out properly: I’ll be running my first ever marathon in September this year! 

During my stay in New York I joined a gym, picked up the good ol’ dumbbells again, brushed off my now fat covered muscles and started running again (not without difficulty). I started a 24 week marathon preparation and I couldn’t be more excited at the idea of jumping into this new challenge and see where it leads me. 


Work wise, being so damn busy while in New York was SUCH A BLESSING. I finally, after a long time, felt connected with my craft again, and gradually regained confidence in what I do and how I do it. Not a single day went by in New York without me shooting pictures, I shot a ton of studio work and a ton of street portraits. I’m so happy to say that I feel confident in my work skin again and that I’m finally ready to tackle bigger projects. But before that, I feel I have to make amend to my past mistakes, especially the ones in the form of “unfinished businesses and disorganisation” 

I have three projects that will see the light of day VERY soon and i’m working on creating my first ever, SERIOUSLY USEFUL, archive system for all of my works. past and present. It’s gonna take a little time, but it’s going to finally allow me to update my portfolio properly and present all the new work that has been under wraps for so long. 


Creativity wise, there are a lot of changes that I feel I need to do. 

First and foremost: I want to blog more. Like, a lot more. I remember how much I used to enjoy writing and how much of a creative kick it would give me to have to come up with cool things to blog about. In the last couple of years I payed no attention to writing and now, it’s time to get the rust off my pen (actually, off my fingers). 

And I want to, in some way (still haven’t figure out EVERYTHING), create more community. I’m one of those creators that’s blessed with a decent online following on social media, yet the only interaction I have with the people that follow me and appreciate my work is : “hey, look at this picture I took!” - like button - 

I don’t think that’s enough anymore. I want to build more of a report with people that follow me, I would like to have more conversations and discussions all together, create a community for everyone to have space and for everyone to grow in. 

I would like to be able to share more of my journey, both personal and professional, and have a community where I can be as honest as humanly possible. 


This is just the tip of the Iceberg, I feel, but it’s a good amount of change to bite onto to begin with.

I’m excited, I’m determined and I’m full of energy. 


This is going to be fun.


Happy Year of the Dog everyone!